Privet Bois

God, do I ever love Russian men, there is just something so about them! As you can see from a random Google search to the left!

I want to go to Russia next summer to Moscow State University and study Russian. My Mother, is absolutely baffled by the idea, and thinks I would do better staying at home. However, if I save up for the trip, and pay for it myself what can the woman say! Her reasons are the Russian Mob, Communists, Terrorists, and the fact that I do not speak Russian.

Her reasoning is I am Hispanic, so therefore I must speak Spanish! She is fine with me backpacking Central America for a month, with less then mediocre Spanish skills. Staying in a third world country, shitty hostels, riding third world buses, going to villages in the middle of nowhere, and being out contact from the civilized for for days on end! So, there you have another attempt at Mothers reason!

Back to my main point...

I have always had a random fascination with Russia. I remember watching Anastasia the movie years ago when I was like 8. I used to pretend I was the long lost heir to the Russian throne. prance around singing songs from that damn movie, and thinking I was a Princess... Yeah, big shocker- I'm GAY!

Plus the Russian language is gorgeous to me. I love how they speak, and the culture. I know it is very homophobic, but still I love Russia.

So, as of now my goal is to save $100 per week until next summer. This will leave me with about $4,500 dollars. A very obtainable goal, with discipline! I need to pay down my credit card which was $1,300 3 months ago. Over the last few months, from my new job I've brought it down to $750... I'm trying to discipline my mind to stop buying clothes, and stupid shit!

Like when I went to SoBe in March, I dropped almost 400 bucks on clothes. Which I still have not worn! I can deal with FCUK sales, and Rugged Warehouse to look cute! I swear gay youth in this country place so much emphasis, on D&G, Prada, Armani, and other such things... I will not give into this! But yeah, I am excited I have written down my goals.

Moscow State University offers a 6 week intensive language course for 1070 Euros, about $1,700. Which includes dorm, food, tuition, and other such living expenses. Then $1000 for the airlines ticket, and I think should stay a few weeks in hostels and such with my newly found gift of the Russian Language! I can do it for $3,000 and live very comfortably, but still I want to stay maybe an extra month!

I'm sad no college offers Russian in my area. My school sure as hell doesn't! Ones in Atlanta do, but that is 65 miles away. Shame, but one of the girls I work with is Russian. She has a degree in teaching, and journalism from back home in Russia. I am hoping she might want to do private lessons until then. So I shall let you know!


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