The Last Few Years- Act I

Wow, I have been sitting here, the last few hours, reading my mindless teenage meanderings. They are embarrassing for me to look at now, but they are a testament to how much I have grown. So much has changed, and the beliefs I once held so dear, have been completely rewritten. I always thought my mind would be a constant, but this only shows how little I truly knew.

It has been 8 years of experience, and my entire perspective on life has been forever altered. I am actually surprised this blog was still here. I wonder what it will be like in 10 years, if I forgot about it again, and sit down and read what I am writing now. 

To think, I was merely 17 when I started this blog. A caddy little Southern boy, and now on my way to becoming a man. 8 years, so many memories compiled into my brain, and it is only now that I am beginning to perceive time in it's true meaning.  To understand my own mortality, and to actually start cherishing life in the moment. 

I am starting to understand the expression, "Youth is wasted on the young." I reflect on moments past, and think of how juvenile I was, in the way I acted. How much I hurt inside at times, when now I just think, "Tough luck baby." I was growing up though, and I had to experience heartbreak, death, successes, failures, and develop  a true sense of identity. Sometimes, 25 year old me, wishes I could punch 20 year old me in the face. 

I have honestly though, truly started to come into my own in this world. Instead of "friends" that merely last a few weeks or months, and then become fleeting memories, I have developed a true inner circle. People who have stood by my side, time and time again, no matter how much I fuck up. I have developed a sense of who it is that I am, and who I will be in 5, 10, or even 20 years. 

I have done so much, accomplished so much, and lost so much in the blink of an eye the last few years. But I will leave that for the next few posts. Instead of teenage meanderings of heartbreak(Sarcasm), uncertainty, self-absorbed postings, and a crude underdeveloped view of the world, I would like to leave you all with a posts that are intellectually stimulating, ever evolving, and bring a sense of maturity to the table. 

I have my flaws, but I am also not a 17 year old hot mess anymore=/

Cheers Loves,



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