Oh Yes Update Needed

Noone actually stole my Ipod. My Idiotic self left it in Bean Traders, on Ninth Street. With my bag and everything. Okay so I get this call a few nights ago from the owner of the Cafe. They finally after searching my entie bag, pulled out Cookie, and it had my name on the back. Being I have a very rare last name and only 2 familes in the whole USA with it. Well I got the package today and everything I thought someone had stole was in it. I wrote them a thank you letter, ang gave them back the money for the shipping. I would use bigger words like reimbursment, but I don't know how the fuck to spell it.

And for those of y0u who fight a sometimes winning, other times losing battle with the bitch known as Acne. I highly suggest this stuff called Zirh. A friend recommended I bought some, and wowzers my face is clearing right up.

Cheers Loves,



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