The Pirates Cast Away Isle

I hate My place of work, and the bitches who come in there, with their fat little spoiled children. These people walk all over me and treat me like a piece of stupid shit. Watch one of these I wil achieve greater wealthy then they can ever imagine. I have sworn and still do on my grave. I will make something of myself in this life. I can only live it once, and I am gonna make the fucking best of it. I have a 10 hour work day tomarrow from 10AM to 8 PM. I don't want to work anymore I hate it. Cheerleading is just so fucking expensive though.

However I love a song by Norah Jones called, " Sunrise". It always put's a smile on my face. Cheers me right up, and I sing along.

Right now I feel like dancing the night away. In a club to " Loose Control".

Being and gay, and not out sucks. You know what would suck more. Being outed and having nowwhere to live, no money, and noone who cares. I'll take my pick and stay in the closet until I'm done with college. At least with my family. Once colleg rolls around and I go to one a long ways away. I'll be the dating machine;)

Cheers Loves,



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