Sing Me A Death Song

Welcome to another day in the life of Tragedy. Nothing has been happening these last few nights. Except work, and alot of it. I worked 8 hours last night, and 12 hour shift today with only one break. They are about to kill me, and to make matter worse this guy, who just started, won't stop showing his ass to me. I am Game Room Cordinater meaning, the only people above me are the assisant maneger , and managers. Thats only 7 people above me, and 38 below who have to do whatever my ass tells them. So he was sitting down I was closing showroom and some people were leaving. He was sitting talkint to one of the cashiers, and I ask him if he was done he said, " Yes." I ask him twice 2 get some tables cleaned off in my area. First time he looked me and went on talking, second time, he just sat there kept talking, third time I raised my voice and said, " Do it." Then his ass goes and raises his voice, " I'm not done." His little ass is in for it, a few more months I get promoted to Assistant Manager(woot woot woot). Then I can fire his ass, right now I'm just gonna tell the manager I am buddy-buddy with. HEHEHEHE, his ass will get some form of cruel punishment hopefully it will be a day walking around in the oversized, and super hot, hard to move around animal suit.... HAHAHAHAHAHA, I hate this kid I would so fire his ass!!!!

2 weeks till I leave for Duke. I am worried about my father. It has been several weeks sense I have spoken to him, he does not answer the phone, wont return my calls, nor my emails. I am leaving a few days early, so I can stop by am see him. He is terribly depressed. I met him when I was 15, 2 years ago and I have never been impressed. Except for his business skills, this man has made a great deal of wealth in his lifetime. The first few times he lost it all, because his businesses flunked, this time my step mom divorced him took half of it all. Now I feel as if I can't dfo anything for the man, his only son, his only blood, and the only one to carry on his name. I have the managers calling me from his cafes asking where is he, they need him to manager them. I got a call last week from his salsa club in Puerto Rico asking my Dad to call them. I feel as if this is the first time in my life, where the great Tragedy can't do a thing. I don't like this feeling of helplessness. It's scary. I just pray that my father will be okay. He needs me, although I hate to admit it, for some reason I feel as if I need him. There is just a void in myself that only he can feel, as much as I hate to admit it, I need my Dad. He is the only true blood I have left, he is the only one to the answers that I have about my family. The unwritten chapter in my families legacy.

This is all for now,

Cheers Loves,



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