Meh, Pocket

This afternoon mildly last minute I was invited to a pool party. It was interesting, and I did not stay long. I don't feel comfortable in a swim suit, and even though I'm not large I feel very insecure in one. This was a spur of the moment last minute thing......

Okay so then I get to work, and it is dead. Of course I am the bartender that they send home.... Instead of coming home I head into Atlanta, to Outwrite.... Erg...

So I get there this older creepy gentlemen introduces himself to me and asks my name. I just tell him, and walk away.... So I get to the couch and I start drinking my tea, and reading my book. Well he just keeps staring at me. I end up seeing a few people I have known kinda, and we get into a converstion. We head out onto the balcony and about 10:30 this gentlemen comes up and hands me this one dollar bill, under it is a note.... He walks over to Blake's, and I ask the guy I was with to read the note... It reads

Hey, I can't help but think your really hot, I will be next door if you want to come over and talk, can we at least be friends?

Ummm... Yeah, it was tossed.

Then I am introduced to a guy I am about to go crazy for. He is very pale, and has that light brown hair that makes me go crazy. We were supposed to be heading to Joe's, but he got a call from someone. I ended getting his number, and calling him. He was high, but I really am hoping he has interest in me. I have never made the move on guys before, I always wait for them to approach me. But this guy is drop dead beautiful to me.....




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