Michelle Babe, Really?

The first CD I ever bought was Michelle Branch's " The Spirit Room." I fell in love with her, and still I love that CD is it one of my favorites. The in I bought " Hotel Paper" her second album and fell in love with it. Then Michelle Branch teamed up with Carlos Santana for, " The Game Of Love" and " I'm Feeling You" both very great songs. I have known for a while that Michelle Branch teamed up with some dumbass blonde hobag named, Jessica Harp. The two now have a CD out, and I stood in line at 12 Am for more then an hour waiting for them to bring the damn thing out.

I bought it, and popped it into my cars CD player. I am very dissapointed with it. Ugh, Michelle drop the blonde, and once again pick up your guitar, and strum along to the lines of Hotel Paper.


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