Ugh Car Lots

There is nothing more irritating then car lots. I thought people were just being over dramatic, and crap but really these people have it down to science on how to irritate and annoy the fuck out of me.

So, yesterday with the approval from my Mom, a 97 Mustang to trade, and 3000 in cash to put down. I go and look at the Prius, and to tell you the truth I have fallen in love with them. I never would have thought a hybrid thing would have been so nice inside and out. It drove very well, and had far more kick then I thought it would have. I put about 50 miles on that thing, driving it from the lot to the bank, then up 10 miles 85. I drove like a damn dream, nothing like a Mustang GT, but still it drove very nicely.

So, I end up getting approved with the trade in, and the cash down. My baby mustang is worth about 2500 trade in, so I guess it's not that bad. Well I had 5500 to put down total the price of the car, was 25k roughly. So then I get approved and this and that. Everything was going well, and then all of a sudden as we are sitting down in finances they explain to me. The bank has changed their mind, and they don't want to procede. So I am fucked, and I wasted an entire. The whole time the salesman was irritating me talking, and guy in finances I wanted to punch. AND TO TOP IT OFF, I lost a whole work day dealing with their crap.

But I still want that Prius and I will keep trying.




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