Um, So Yeah

Last night I believe I went on one of the worst dates of my life. Not worst date, just the guy was so blah. He was cute so I said yeah. As soon as I started sitting down to eat, he just talked my ear off. I didn't say a damn word. On top of it all he kept talking Bull Shit. When I say bullshit I don't mean topping his stories off to make them sound impressive. I mean straight out bullshit. I will leave his wackass stories for tomarrow when I have more time to blog.

On another note I got my first Tattoo. It is an ellipsis, on my back right shoulder. I have wanted one, but I thought forever what I wanted. This no something on me, this is a part of me. I like it for that, and I believe this will be the only one I ever get. I might post some pics if I can get some decent ones of my back.

I want to blog more but I'm about to turn into the living dead I'm so tired.




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