The Cattch

Last night I went to the GA Tech Gay Pride Par-Tay, well thats what they called it. Anyway it really was a blow, I went with a guy I met at Youth Pride. He is so sweet, and his friends were all really good to me. I hardly ever drink and when I do it is maybe a glass or so of wine. However I had what they called, "2 tall shot glasses", of straight up vodka I believe. The shit burned like hell both times going down my throat. I have learned from then when I drink I go from pretty much straight acting to a total trannie, whatever that means I still don't know. Apparently I say such things at , " Hunny, Bitch, Whatever,...." and such gay queen lingo. I don't really remember this....

I do know by the time I have sobered up they were leaving for the Party. The dancing sucks, and in fact I hate dancing. I stand there with 2 guys on each side of me just going back and forth. I would rather be at work. Well there was this adorably quiet guy standing by the enterance stamping peoples hands.... I had to ask about a million people what his name was, and then someone introduced me to him. I talked to him for all of about 5 minutes and I thought it was pretty good, and he goes, " Have you seen Jeremy?" He left and went to talk to some other guy, and I just felt like shit for the rest of the evening. I have stopped being attracted to the gorgeous 6 pack, Abercrombie looking models, and I have decided I would much rather have a modest, average joe, sweet guy. I am sick of dating and being attracted to hot people, they fool with my mind and then leave me for dead on the side of the rode.

So after this guy stopped talking to me and walked away I was heading out to leave. I was gonna head home, because I just didn't feel I belonged there. As I was leaving a few people had been looking for me and found me getting in my car.

I ended up going back into the Dorms to a party. There was another guy there who was adorable, but not my type. He was the kinda 6 pack, male whore, I wanna sex you kinda guy. I ended up getting drunk AGAIN, and somehow he convinced me to leave and go to his dorm, by way of the Stingerette.....

I ended up there and finally after an hour I sobered up enough and refused to drink anymore. The guy I came with text messaged me, asking where I was I had been gone three hours and he was worried sick. I told him I would find my way back there. The guy whom I was in his TINY ass dorm with went to the restroom, and I grabbed my shoes and ran before I regretted anything.

I still wonder what he though when he returned to his dorm. I had to walk about 2 miles I suppose, perhaps less to get back to West Campus? I don't remember which one. I do remember feeling like shit that whole time walking back in the rain, with wet shoes, thinking to myself, " WTF have I done?"

I ended up back at the dorm they were having a small party. I just sat there for the longest time quiet as hell and such, and not saying a damn thing. Finally I just set things aside and stopped worring about it. I ended up having a good time towards the end. Then the laptop shut off and nomore music the PARTY was over. I had danced some, but I still can't dance like a slut. They are trying though...

Towards the end of the night about 3:30 AM me and 5 other guys crammed into this tiny ass dorm room. the one guy was on the bed, he was drunk but he had been very kind to me. The other I were with kept wanting to do shit to him while he was pretty much passed out. I guess I kinda had to put my foot down there. Eventually we 4 slept on the floor like sardins, with a tiny ass blanket.... and a few pillows....

I am home and safe now, and I need a show major.




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