The ThermoGenic Ties Of Death

Okay, so there are several things I have to address in this entry. For starters I am feeling much better then I was several nights ago, but also about this blog.

I am sorry for neglecting this blog. I am aware there are some of you out there who actually like my posts. I am going to start spending more time actually writing decent posts on a more frequent basis. These few posts have been very useless.

Also in regards to this blog I will try my hardest to start proof reading what I have written better. I am aware, that many of you are anal about perfect grammer. The reason for this is most of these posts are written in a few minutes, and I don't have time to fix errors.

Also I will updating my Blog Roll in the next week or so. I will adding several blogs that have grown on me and deleting a few that have gotten cold and sour.

I am also contemplating a new layout for the blog. However this might be some ways away. Reason being I adore the black and grew one I have now, and I love my banner. I just need to add a border to it.

It appears many of you like to hear in detail my few dating escapades. So I suppose whenever I go on a date, shitty or good I'll write a decent post about it.

Also I will start posting more pictures about things, and places that I visit. People also seem to really enjoy this.

I will also try and post more about gay Atlanta. This apparently strikes a cord with some people, and they tend to enjoy seeing and reading about the places I often visit, and them as well.




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