
One thing I don't think I could ever do is date someone who doesn't have faith in the Big Man, aka God. I am not a member of the prestigious and arrogant God Squad, nor am I the pot head rock and roller Anti- Christ. I don't throw my beliefs onto others, nor do I persuade people to follow my beliefs. However I have the upmost respect and love, and I cherish that Faith. Even though I do not attend church I have to much trust to believe there is nothing after we die. To many times in my life I have prayed, and when there was no hope, suddenly there was. I don't know why I believe in God, but I just do. There has never been a shred of scientific evidience to support his existance. I just feel that there is something more to being me. I believe in Heaven and Hell, and I believe I am going to heaven.

I attended private Christian schools for many years. I was the student in class who always defied the teachers common thought system. Ex. I was about 10 and we were studying Noah. The teacher taught us that the dinosaurs and everything lived at the same time. But the Dinosaurs died in the flood. I raised my stated that God gave Noah strict orders, to get two of each animal and put them on the Ark. The teacher couldn't think of anything so they sent me to the office, and I got paddled.

So I found faith in science at that point. As I have gotten older I have learned to put a lot of a faith in science. I believe in the Big Bang, Evolution, and so forth. But I also have a very personal and sacred relationship with the Big Man. I would never defy his existance, even if it ment destroying my own. I know that there is more then me, because I can feel it. When I look into the stars at night, I see it. When the Molly Mormon Mothers bake their cookies, and then bring the convoy of minivans over I smell it. I just know there is something more then being me.

The reason I blog this is someone just told me they were athiest, and alot of my friends are either that of spiritual. I don't know what to say to them so I don't say anything. However in my mind I shun them for their mistakes.


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