Lions, Monkeys, Tigers Galore

Okay so the Ringling Brother Circus was awsome. Steven and I got front row seat in the center so we saw EVERYTHING! I love it, and I loved Bello, and that extremely cute tight rope walker, Alberto Aguilar. I love the Chinese Acrabat team, and the Tigers. I love the Circus.

Only thing that annoyed me, were these people standing outside protesting handing out flyers by the door. As we were entering they were playing a video on a laptop strapped to their chest, saying this is how they train the elephants. One of these people shoved a flyer into my hand, and I said no thank you, she shoved it again, and then a third time. I snapped at her, and said I didn't give a rats ass.

Fight for what you believe in, but don't shove some flyer in my hand 3 times in a row.


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