Think About It

It's interesting to watch my parents, and observe them, especially my Mom. Her interaction with gays, and lesbians continues to suppress my understanding. She is close friends with many gays, and a few lesbians. She always chats with them( they live in other states, she travels with them when she works), but also she see's them as close, and very personal friends. A few times they have stayed at our home when they have traveled to Atlanta to work, and my Mom would hang out with them. She likes their company, and sees them as people, and always agrees with them about rights and all that jazz.

Here's the irony in this. My Mom always referes to them as " Faggots" " Queers", " and " Dykes". She always states how they are gonna go to hell, how it's wrong, and how she hates them so much. She's a walking sack irony in it's purest form. And her " Gay" and "Lesbian" friends has no clue she acts like this. I don't understand this. I guess this is a case of monkey see, monkey do, and when the other monkey ihas fled, she forgets.

My Dad hates gays, I know this for a fact. However he loves them for their money. He's a crook, but since he lives in the Triangle of NC, he targets the gay community. Knowing it's a very large part of the community up there. He targets them by hosting gay night, and gay friendly enviroments in his businesses. I will give him Kudos, for being able to adjust to the business aspect of it, but I think it's crooked to hate them, when it's kinda a oneway relationship. All it would take is one person hearing him, say something about "Gays", and there goes a large portion of his income. It's a oneway road for him. Gays will do just fine without him, but he won't do so good without them. Another classic case of my family Irony....

Don't get me wrong I love my parents, I think they are highly flawed though. Don't get my wrong I am highly flawed so myself, and possibly more flawed then them.


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