Mr. President

Mr. President you really are the worlds largest Nimrod aren't you? You kinda remind me of Nimrod from that show Surface. You have a lot in common to...

1) You pose the greatest threat to the security of man kind, and the world as we know it.
2)No matter how much we want you gone, you just don't seem to go away. I bet if you died, you would just come back to life, and be even more of a bitch.
3)You tend to look like him to. Except he's a much cuter version of you, and I would so have sex with him any day of the week over you. Even you your name is Bush, your lacking in size where Nimrod makes up.

Your State Of The Union address was the most pathetic I have ever seen.Personally the only reason you are President is because you want to impress Daddy. You hate Gays, Minorities, and everyone. You're a Christian based Conservative Leader, which is probably the worst combination possible. In my opinion if Hitler and a Monkey had a baby you would be the damn outcome. You show no respect for any group other then your own, and your so damn closed minded. Just wait till they find the " Gay" gene. Your gonna have to rethink your whole basis and platform as President.

I have absolutely no clue why I wrote this. I'm on my period today.


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