Another Rant, Rave, Or Ramble

I haven't really decided yet. But I have alot to say in this post about nothing really. Just some updates, and new FYI.

-I am going to be going to Miami, FL in June of next year. I have been accepted to work as a staff member of a major cheerleading organization at one of their camps. I can thank my friends on Top Gun All Stars, and Encore All Stars for that one.

-Butt Boy has been accepted to UCLA to study business, and finances. He leaves me in August, but we have 8 months.

- My Mom is doing wonderful with her cancer treatments. Her color of her skin has returned, and her eyes just look so alive. I love that natural therapy doctor in Augusta.

-I failed math and science this semester... Looks like Tragedy's going to summer school, or online school for a while.

-I've had business ideas to start when I was 18, but one of them has the most potential and I can do now. I started it a few weeks, and I got my first client this after noon. It's a shitty job, and I mean that in the litteral sense. But once it's self sustained in the next year with laborers, I'll be making a killing.

-I've gained 5 pounds since Thanksgiving weekend. I deperatly need to loose this weightr, I need to start going to the gym.

-I bought an Ipod Nano, Nike Shox, Neoprene running gear, and a new cell phone with my Christmas Cash.

-Butt Boy and I are planning a camping trip, or a Carribean cruise for Spring Break. Not sure which one yet...TBA

-There are 79 days till my 18th Birthday.

-Which means it's 10 years and 79 days till I will be the Gay Trump of Atlanta.

Cheers Loves,



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