Hosting Hell

So I have been trying to get a webpage setup for my business. I just signed up client number 8 this morning, and I have so far done pretty well. I have decided I needed one, and I just am lost. All this jargin about hosting, FPT's, and crap. I don't understand it, and some web hosting sites range in price from 8-50 bucks a month. I honestly don't think I need the most advanced site service on the net. I also want something that looks decent, and all these templates I have so far found for sites oneline just are ugly. I bought my logo off of Ebay, and paid someone to design it for 10 bucks, and they did an awsome job. Same thing with the business cards, and equipment I use. I have saved a ton of money. I think I am just gonna spend 150 bucks, and buy one of these packages for hosting and custom design off of Ebay. These people are talented, and don't charge outragous amounts of money for things. All I need is a basic, 5 page, clean looking site.

IF however you know of a service that is easy to use, affordable, and has nice looking templates please send me and email, or comment.

I was so pissed off and frustrated this morning I just reserved the domain until I can sit and figure this out.


Anonymous said…
Not sure what all you need for your site, but check out If you don't need anything too elaborate, their Website Tonight package is pretty decent.

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