The Herald Angel Sings

Today has been a day of complete weirdness for me. For starters I got into my car today, and sitting there in the passenger seat, was a bag of open sour gummy worms I had bought yesterday. I took one out it was all soft and mooshy, and oh so good. So I hate it all, the only problem they melted to the bag. So I was driving around with a bag of gummy worms in my mouth sucking the taste out. People are driving by and looking at me like I'm pshyco, with this bag of platic in my mouth looking like I'm eating it.

Then I went out to the car to get some shampoo and conditioner I bought at the Salon tonight. Well when I went out, I saw this woman. Just walking at 11 PM!!!! By herself slowly along the line on the left side of the road, dressed in full day attire, in high heels, slowly just in a straight line. I yelled, " Lady are you okay?" No responce she just kept walking slowly without turning. A lot like a zombie, ina horror film. This was really weird I watched her for a few minutes. Now I'm gonna get paranoid tonight about evil zombies taking over the world.

Cheers Loves,



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