Don't Cha Know?

Okay so I was looking for some new away messages and I ran a google search " sexual away messages". I came accross this hilarious website here are some of the funniest ones.
Michele: Look, these say 'I've got a case of the love bugs.'
Gina: Umm....aren't those called crabs?
-Reading the caption on pair of underwear in Wal-Mart

Christa: ...and her ass was bleeding so she had to tell her mom she had anal sex with a big black man.
Larisa: Couldn't she just tell her mom she sat on a corncob?

Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?
Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World

What do you call a Jewish homo?
A He-Blew

I thought I would share some this Tragedy Randomness with you.

Also I watched this movie on HBO today called But I'm A Cheerleader who's a lesbian and is sent to a " make u straight" place. It had me laughing I suggest you watch it, it is very good.

Cheers Loves,



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