I Miss The Little Things

I am officially moved into our new home. I shall miss my old home, really I will. This house is 2800 square feet in the middle of nowhere. Our last one was 6400 with me and my 2 brothers and Mom, on this gorgeous Southern Estate. I know it's only for a while, my Mom will get better. But I can hardly stand being in such close proximity to my brothers and Mom. Before I had alot of space and it used to be so silent. Now it's noise, screaming, fighting and god damn knows what else. But perhaps I need a change like this in life. I have always grown up with everything handed to me on a silver platter. My family has always been very very well off, and I think it's time I get a taste of what normality is. I can use this expierience to my advantage later on down the road. THings will get better after the collaspe of my Mom's company, the divorce from the jackass stepstep, who took half of what remained, and now my Mom being sick nothing is left. However I know deep inside that she will recover and have things 7 fold what she used to have. However this really is none of my business. What we lost was hers, and what she shall gain will belong to her. I just have it easier being born into a name, and a family with respect, resources, and influence. So it's easier for me to get ahead in life. I'm fimiliar with the road of Corporate America, and it's the road I want to follow in life.

3 days without internet I though I was going to fucking die. Now lie, I never knew how much the internet ruled my life. Until I was without it.

I love this song my Anna Nalick called Breathe(2AM). Most songs I listen to non stop for about 2 weeks, then they get old, and I don't play them. According to Itunes I have played this song, 500 times since early May. And to tell you the truth I have never grown sick of it. It's the mo0st beautiful lyrics I have ever heard, and her voice is so soothing.

Cheers Loves,



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