Disrupt The Futile Mind

My new neighborhood is a bitch. For one there is this dog accross the street that never shuts up. I mean never, all night it wakes me up. This little 25 pounds mutt, keeps my up all night long. I have complained to them very nicely about the dog. You know they said , " Know one has ever complained about it before now..." I was like screw you woman. The dog is barking this very hour keeping me awake.

Also we have outside cat named Nicholas. I noticed these wierd wounds on him. At a closer look it's BB gun bullets marks in his side. Someone has fired them at point blank range they were just to close together to be shot from far away. If that cat was hit he would have ran. I think they did it a second time. I think it's the neighbors from hell with the dog. Their kid has this BB Gun he is always shooting things with. If I catch him shooting my cat I'm calling the police. He seems like the type of kid who get a joy out of lighting small animals on fire, and then poking them with sticks. he's weird.

Cheers Loves,



hey just read about your cat.
I love cats and if anyone shot her I would be after blood.
I would ask agin to keep the dog quite or call the police for noise pollution.
It's not right that he barks all the time.

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