Sugar We're Going Down Swinging
I saw this funny little thing in someones myspace and liked it. You just make a random about things you prefere to others. I'll give it a shot. Just make a list about random things about yourself, like what you like or do etc...
Cheers Loves,
- I think President Bush is cute.
- I love Jazz music above all other genres.
- I think Latins are the hottest of all races.
- I hate to be touched.
- I secretly love to watch ballets.
- I've always wanted to secretly take up dancing.
- I have smoked weed, but it's not all that great.
- I have a crush on my best friend.
- I am amused when girls hand me their numbers.
- I look best dressed in blue.
- I love the colour blue.
- I already have my future kids named picked out.
- I could never live anywhere, but the South.
- I hate the color green.
- I own no clothes the color green.
- I don't know how to spell color, is it color or colour? I do both ways.
- I adore Norah Jones and Diana Krall.
- I really want to get Gavin Degraw in bed.
- I think the world Filk sounds dirty.
- I love Star Trek, and Sci-Fi.
- I wish I could play an instrument.
- Snow globes amuse me.
- I love Halloween, it's the best.
- I think most Italians are not attractive.
- I find the word Utopia intreging.
- I am Pesco Vegetarian.
- Getting old scares me.
- UFO's I find so cool.
- When I was little all I wanted to be was an Astronomer. I read countless books, and to this day I always watch the Cosmos shows on Discovery Science Chanel.
- I love to learn new things.
- I know alot about things, noones gives a shit about.
- Mort Zuckerman is my hero.
- I want a Lexus SC 430.
- I can jackoff sucessfully to straight porn, and enjoy it.
- I never use a red pen, I think it's bad luck.
- I have a cat named Trouble, whom I love.
- I hate almost all dogs. But I do have a Cocker Spaniel named Coco, I love.
- Paris Hilton annoys me.
- I love Suze Orman.
- I'm very bad at judgine people by their appearance.
- I'm even worse with stereotyping.
- I tend to prefere girls on an emotional level then guys.
- But I could never fuck one. Vaginas are ew.....
- I suffer greatly from Mental Blocks in gymnastics.
- I refuse to travel over the ocean in a plane, it scares me greatly.
- I hate hair, I hate it periond except on your head.
- The only reason I have long hair is because I have big ears.
- I think the only colour cars should come in, is black.
- Music Makes me loose control.
- And finally. I'm craving poached octopus tonight for some reason.
Cheers Loves,