It's So Sad Indeed

I do not like 9-11 never do I. It always seems everyday I look at the clock at 9:11 PM. My brothers birthday is 9-11. I was born at 9:11 AM. The address for my school the number is 911, we stayed in room 911 at the marriot this summer. I just don't like it. It gives me chills down my spine, but I guess alot of people think like that. However I feel like I will be like this for the rest of my life. There are always numbers everyone has them that scares them.

I guess thats why right after midnight on9 9-11 at 12:30 we get a call. It is from the Motel 6 several exits up on the interstate. The daughter of that I'll man my Mom saw last week died in the hospital tonight. My Mom was right he had pheunomia. Not bacterial, but Viral. This deeply saddens me to the point of tears. We try so hard to help others, but even when we try our hardest so many times it's not enough.

Cheers Loves,



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