Blog Brain
Because so far this week I have nothin interesting to blog about. (You can tell from my last few posts) I am gonna do what Susan did... 28 things about me, I'm to lazy to think of 100.
- Growing up I loved astronomy. I would always watch those shows on TV about space, and I love Carl Sagans, Cosmos.
- I have the hots for Suze Orman and Norah Jones.
- Currently I'm reading Trumped and Everything I Learned In Business I Learned From Monopoly.
- I currently know everykind of business I want to do in the next decade.
- I hate the colour green with a passion.
- I love listening to the Christmas music station here in Atlanta.
- I have for years wanted to take up Ballet.
- I am a former gymnast, turned All Star Cheerleader.
- I love the South more then anything, and I couldn't live anywhere else.
- Sometimes I think I can live as a bohemian and be an artist, but reality quickly sets in.
- I love to paint, write, and take photography.
- I have a dog named Coco.
- I adore my Father, even though I act like I don't give a shit.
- I have an older brother by my Father I absolutely hate, and have only spoken to once in 3 years.
- I don't like being refered to as a Mexican.
- I think George Bush is cute.
- Last night I went to bed and woke up with a Kink in my neck and it hurts like hell.
- I love green tea.
- I think athiests, just tell people their athiest, because they actually believe their going to hell.
- I don't give a flippin frack about Apple Cider. I think it tastes nasty as hell.
- I take Beano to prevent gas.
- When I would little I would light fire ant hills on fire, and watch them suffer.... I was a messed up kid.
- I love the colour blue.
- I hink Taco Bell is disgusting, and I love Wendy's.
- I have tickets to see Kathy Griffin here in Atlanta in a few months.
- I thought RENT the movie was awsome.
- I love Julia Stiles as an actress.
- I am watching reruns of Good Times, right now....
Bush is gross...ha
We all like TEA...
about u hating green isnt the header on ur posts GREEN...dont u like nature..