One of the things I have given a lot of thought in my life is this. Once I graduate high school next year, just pack of my car with my most precious things, and clothes and just drive somewhere to some city, and settle there. Create a life there, and build there. I can achieve my goals anywhere, and the longer I stay in Atlanta the more I realize how fed up with things I am. I am content with where I am in life, but with all honesty I don't really know where I wanna go. I know I love business, and it's my passion, but I also just for a while wanna be somebody with no responsibility. I want to be someone who just works as a bartender, goes to college, and pays rent on an apartment. I don't want the responsibility of staying here in GA, tending to my brothers, being a house keeper, mowing the lawn, fixing dinner everynight, working, and going to college near home not being able to be who I am. The restraints of this lifestlye just don't appeal to me. To truly suceed in w...
Sunshine in your window..
Someone as great as you makes me relize that there are good people in the world..Thank you