The Hermit

One of the things I have given a lot of thought in my life is this. Once I graduate high school next year, just pack of my car with my most precious things, and clothes and just drive somewhere to some city, and settle there. Create a life there, and build there. I can achieve my goals anywhere, and the longer I stay in Atlanta the more I realize how fed up with things I am. I am content with where I am in life, but with all honesty I don't really know where I wanna go. I know I love business, and it's my passion, but I also just for a while wanna be somebody with no responsibility. I want to be someone who just works as a bartender, goes to college, and pays rent on an apartment. I don't want the responsibility of staying here in GA, tending to my brothers, being a house keeper, mowing the lawn, fixing dinner everynight, working, and going to college near home not being able to be who I am. The restraints of this lifestlye just don't appeal to me.

To truly suceed in what I want in life. I will have to be far from home, on my home, with no repsonsibility, not tied to anyone. I have chosen my city for my destination it's most likely going to be Miami. I'm tired from working 35 hours a week as a bus boy cleaning up tables, I am tired of having to babysit all the damn time, clean the house. I am tired of having to be Mr. Mom as my relatives joke when they come around. My social life we pretty non existant when I met Greg except for Cheerleading. Now more then ever I am ready to pack up and leave. My parents have known for years this day was coming. I have spoke of doing this for years, and now I'm ready. There is no need to stay in Atlanta, my allies are moving out west or up north. I have grown weary of the lie that I live, and I know once I tell my family anyway I will be a castaway sent out with nothing. Cut off from them for years, and I know this is my fate and I have come to except it.

I graduate December of 2006. I will leave January 1st, 2007. I have chosen Miami for a number of reasons. The major one is me being hispanic. I can speak the language, I know the customs, and it's where I fit in the best. Plus I love it there anyway, all the trips with my asshole drunk father there were the best memories I have with him. I've talked about it, now this plan of action is ready to be carried out. No longer will Atlanta, be my home. I can't stay here. So many bad memories I wish I could share with you but I can't. For reasons I wish you could not, but you simply can't know what it's like to expierience some of the things I have. Most of you never will, and this city is a haunting memory for me. Perhaps oneday when the time is right I will show you what has happened to my family, but for now I must remain a mystery.


Naked Boy said…
Miami sucks. Don't even consider it. I have been trying to escape Miami for years.
This Boy Here said…
OH MY GOD! Naked Boy- SHUT UP! You should move to Miami. I have been here my whole life and it is amazing! I am palnning to leave for the fact that I have been here my whole life. But I have never left becasue this truly is paradise! Move here, MOVE HERE!
ymelendez said…
why are you graduatuing in dec.? shouldn't you be graduatuing in may or june? Maybe you have a different school system.
There's a program in the state of GA, where you can do school online and in regular high school called PSEO. I do that and it allows me to finish a grade 2 months earlier then usual
Anonymous said…
I did it and ended up in the most beautiful place in the country: Colorado. It's wonderful here. Good luck to you!
ymelendez said…
How about Arizona? j/k. That's were I live and its hot as hell. I love it though.
Naked Boy said…
I often tought about moving to both Colorado and Arizona, it's funny that two of you mention those locations.

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