The Columbine Effect

April 20, 1999, is a day I barely remember. I remember seeing on the news a school shooting, and my fourth grade teacher explaining something about school shootings to us. It wasn't until 5 years later I had a teacher I loved. She told us a story about Columbine and of Rachel Joy Scott, who died that day. I read all I could and I can say that I touched by it. So soon after Rachel's Challenge came to our school, and I have met her father Darrell Scott, and sister Dana Scott twice. I see them everytime they come to our area for seminar or anything along those lines. I can tell you every soul who lost a life that day, who they were, what they did, etc. I can tell you the time frame of the school shootings, and outcomes.

Columbine should never have happened. But in a sense so much good came out of it, that it's not funny. 13 souls died, but countless more were saved by lives being touched who stopped other events like this from happening. At the same time Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold started a chain reaction that spawned dozens of copycat school shootings over the years. Rachel Joy Scott also wrote a paper, and in it she wanted to start a " Chain Reaction" where one person would help another and they would help someone else. Her belief was that it would make the world a better place for all. I think it has, and her Chain Reaction was eventually able to cross out the one of destruction caused by Eric and Dylan.

The reason I mentioned this was I finally saw " Elephant" last night. It is based on the Columbine Tragedy, and I will say this. I baffled, awwed, and disgusted, but this is one of those movies that shall stant as a testament of my life. I loved it, even though it was hard for me to watch.

Rachels Challenge-

Rachel Joy Scott-


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