I'm On A Rant

I was thinking today I heard someone I knew refer to their boyfriend as " Partner".

Above all things in the Gay world this has become the common thing to call your significant other. Or the other terms " Life Partner" " Family Partner" or " Significant Other" etc. I personally hate this term "Partner". I think it lacks emotion, affection, and love towards the person you are using it to refer to. I would never call the person I was in love with " Partner". It will either be boyfriend, fiance, or husband. I swear to you if they ever called me that I would open up a can of whoop ass. I just think it's degrading and shows a complete lack of respect, love, and loyalty to you boyfriend, or husband. But thats just me!


Anonymous said…
The problem with husband is it implies one is the man and the other is the woman in the relationship, and a lot of Gay couples are not comfortable with that sort of distinction.

Lover, boyfriend and fiancĂ© do not communicate any sort of long-term commitment. This is why most Gay couples have opted for partner, or life partner. It communicates a relationship with a long-term commitment, but does not imply a masculine or feminine role. In the Gay community it’s understood that, when used to describe a Gay relationship, partner is not a business term.

You are too young to know that this was a big issue in the community. For a long time lover was the common descriptor used by Gay couples to indicate they were in a long-term relationship. It became unpopular because too many short-term (its all about sex and no commitment) couples were also using it.
Naked Boy said…
I prefer partner. I hate lover, boyfriend, other half and husband. Let's try to come up with something better than all of them, including partner.

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