Greg And This Man

I called Greg... I am not going to see him again anymore. He just wanted to tell me he was sorry, and returned the Christmas gift I gave him. I pawned his watch he gave me:) Asshole...

On the way home I pulled into a gas station to get gas. This man approached me. He said he was from hurricane Wilma, here in Atlanta. He said he was here with his 15 year old daughter, and they had no place, to stay or anything. They were living in a tent in the woods, behind the gas station. He didn't ask for anything, but food. I saw his daughter sitting on the corner of the walkway. She was very skinny, blonde, but looked so desperate. He said they lived in a small apartment in Key West, when Wilma struck. They lost everything, and ended up in Atlanta. He had been having a hard time finding work, because he didn't have any decent clothes, nor a way to take a shower. I believed him, and I don't think anyway would lie like this. I took his daughter into the gas station, and told her to get whatever she wanted to eat, with no limits on food. This girl went straight for the hotdogs, chips, and coke. About 10 dollars in food altogether and her father, just got a Coke and a hotdog.

On the way out he was telling me he was having a hard time finding work. But that he had been a cook in Key West. He did find a job as a construction worker, and they would pay him under the table for a while.

There were many latinos gathering around outside( this is Jonesboro, a poor part of Atlanta, and very high crime rate). They were eyeing his daughter, and so I stepped in and spoke with what appeared to be the leader. He was saying he just wanted to ask her if he needed something to eat, and I told him to leave the girl alone, she is jail bate for him.

I had some clothes in my car I had been meaning to take to GoodWill forever, alot of them old t shirts, and jeans. The T-shirts fit his daughter, and the jeans hit him. I ended up driving them to a local shit motel where it was 19.99 per night. I paid for 4 nights for them, it's the best I could do. I now have no money now.

But I hope I have done a good thing. I wonder if I was a sucker, and got caught in a scam... If this man hadn't had this girl with him I doubt I would have believed him. I gave him my cell phone number, and told him if she needed anything to call me. I wonder if I will ever hear from them again, and if not I wonder what shall become of them.


Naked Boy said…
You did a beautiful thing, but I don't think Hurricane Wilma hit Key West that bad. Perhaps I am wrong. But either way, it was the right thing to do. You will be rewarded for this ten fold.
ElovesU said…
WOW, you are truly a great person, thank you for everything u do for the world, i know uve made an impression on me too

Anonymous said…
That was a good thing to do. I had a similar experience last month, and I didn't have a lot of money so I ended up giving this old lady my last tweleve dollars. It's comforting to know that there are other people out there that makes a difference even in a small way.

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