Plantar Faciitis
So, one of the things I wanted to get done while in NC, because I knew my Dad would cover the doctors visit, was I wanted to get my feet checked out. I have been having this terrible pain in my feet when I jog, it usually starts around the end of mile 1. By the time I get to mile 2 and 3 I am walking about half the time. This is incredibly painful, it feels like constant cramps in your feet.
So I just got back from the Doctor, and he told me I have Plantar Faciitis. Which for you non-runners is an inflammed plantar fascia, which is on the bottom of your foot. When it is inflammed it causes incredible pain when in use. Mine is in the early stages, and he told me 3 days no jogging, walking, ice on ice off, take aleve twice a day, and maggasage the area throughout the day, then after three days I can start walking 2 miles a day. However he told me I can't do the 10k in 2 weeks, but I can do the 5k.
things get better.
Well wishes