Weigh In
The last month I have been pigging out on food, especially the last 5 days with Greg and I. I have eaten several things of half gallon ice cream, oreos, cookies, cereal, pizza anything I can get my hands on. I just made me feel better. I know I have gained some weight since Thanksgiving, but I have no clue I had gained 13 pounds. I saw one of my friends today, and they made a comment. I realized I hadn't weighed myself in forever. I am 158 pounds, the heaviest I have ever. Been I am hoping some of this is water weight, and I will go on a detox diet for a few days. Hopefuly at least a few pounds is water, and the rest once I return to my normal diet, and I will increase my running routine by 1.5 miles a day. In about a month hopefully it will be back down to normal, I can't see my pathetic excuse for abbs anymore.
Greg deserves to burn in hell, and I hope he does.
Greg deserves to burn in hell, and I hope he does.