Suicide X Me

I don't really understand suicide. There was a teen a year ago at my high school who killed himself. I don't understand why the parents, counselors, nor friends didn't do anything. I didn't know him, infact I can't recall every seeing him, except in my freshman year PE class. Even then he was an odd kid, he never spoke a word to a soul, and never attended any of the schools social events. I honestly don't know if he was ridiculed, although I'm sure he was. I just never hung out with people who made fun of him.

My little gang of friends always made fun of each other, we were satisfied with that. We always did the stupid crap noone cared about, and people left us alone.

It was late January when the principal came over the sound system, and informed us of the death. Everyone in the room just went who? None of us honestly knew who he was talking about. After watching this on the news, and papers. I really want to know why noone said anything. His friends reported that he had wanted to end his life for sometime, and several of the teachers had papers written by him that he expressed the need to die. His parents were oblivious to all of this. They thought that this dress all in black, listen to heavy rock music, and poetry thing was normal. Honestly they had grown far apart from him. They didn't understand him.

He was referred to as Emo, or Goth, or whatever. It's sad such things have to happen that can be prevented.

I'm not sure why this was on my mind tonight, but it was. Hopefully he's happy where ever he is.
However I was taught in the Church. The only person you can kill, but not be forgiven for is yourself. Hopefully he's not doomed to eternal damnation.


Anonymous said…
I had a friend once who talked of suicide. It sucks because you don't know, at the time, if what you say to them is helping or not.

He just couldn't stand his life. Finally I told him if it ever got so bad, he should move and not tell anyone. Just go down to Mexico (we live near the border) start a new life, be in new surroundings, be a new person, but just be.

I know it's simplistic, but I hope it's a better alternative to suicide.

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